North West Marine Distributors
26940 26th Avenue, Aldergrove, B.C. Canada, V4W 4A4

Tel: (604) 607-7901
Windlass Controls & Accessories
North West Marine Distributors offers complete range of windlass control systems utilizing the latest technology.
The range of controls systems offer operators a variety of functional options to further enjoy their boating experience.
The product range includes:
- Chain counters
- Corded Handheld chain counters
- Wireless Handheld Chain counters
- Footswitches
- Heavy Duty Single or Dual Direction Solenoids
- Chain stoppers
- Devil Claws
- Chain Pipes
- Manual Windlass Handles.
Custom windlass accessories are available, feel free to contact us for further details.
Muir operates under a quality assurance system within the organization, certified by DNV (ISO9001:2001).