North West Marine Distributors
26940 26th Avenue, Aldergrove, B.C. Canada, V4W 4A4

Tel: (604) 607-7901
Monitor Marine
Monitor Marine products are available in a variety of finishes - please click here for more information.
Helicopter Tie Downs
Monitor Marine's unique range of helicopter tie-downs has been developed from a military requirement for securing helicopters on warships at sea. The civil versions offer similar performance but in configurations and materials specifically aimed at SuperYachts, commercial vessels, supply ships and drilling rigs etc.
All tie-downs can be installed to all types of deck structures and ground applications (please contact our design engineers for further information). Mill certificates are supplied with all tie-downs. Test reports can be supplied on all tie-downs if required. Engineering support is available to customise installation requirements, including a design facility for new builds and re-fits.